Telehealth Services
Due to the circumstances governed by Covid-19 and keeping the health and safety of individuals our number 1 priority, telehealth consultations are now a permanent service offered by Patrick St Medical Centre. Please call us on 8814 8813 to book an appointment or follow the prompt below if you are eligible (are an existing patient and have visited our medical centre in-person without the last 12 months). If you are in need of a script, prescriptions are not accepted by all chemists. You will simply receive an email containing a link to your script.

Private Health Insurance
Currently, we are a cash only medical centre. If you are on a student visa or do not have a valid medicare card, we require cash paid upfront before your consultation is booked in with on of our health professionals. We will provide you with a receipt after your consultation and this can be taken to your insurance company to have part of your cash payment reimbursed, however, we do not have direct access to this system. To find out more about specific pricing please call us on 8814 8813 or book an appointment below.